Winter is coming.

Distance since last post: 40kmWeather: Mixed, cloudy. Hazy. Warm 20-22 degreesNotes: Feeling really good. No aches. Pushing harder today. Cant stop eating sultanas! The hills on each side of the Rhein are getting bigger! Winter is coming…If you take notice of the geese that is. I saw a flock flying south (following the River perhaps) […]

A grape day

Location: OppenheimDistance since last post: 68KmWeather: Hot with 50% cloud coverForecast: Heavier cloud tomorrow. Clearing toward Thursday.Notes: Problem with the Lead-acid battery today. It didn’t seem to charge. Will concentrate on loading the Li-Ion battery tomorrow. Due to the cloudy weather I decided to cycle all the way through to the campsite in one stage […]

Tour day-plan.

Planning a busman’s holiday around the weather isn’t that easy. Camp set-up and break down, cycling between locations, working, keeping an eye on the weather, finding suitable places to work and charging power sources all need to be thought about. The key to success here (in our wonderfully changeable weather system) is to be flexible between 10:00 […]